AC4D delivered its 20,000th box of mixed vegetables this month which translates to over 100,000 refugees fed for a week over the course of the project. Our projected productivity for this season alone is to provide food for over 15,000 families (same number of boxes delivered) translating to 75,000 refugees during the 2016/17 season.
Moving forward we are working in partnership with Operation Mercy's Refugee Relief team to explore areas in Jordan where larger refugee care providers like the UN are unable to provide services.
Hydroponics trials are going very well. The entire team has been very impressed by the speed and quality of the growth, the uniformity of the plants, the quality of the first 3 fruitsets, and the lack of any kind of loss due to viruses, fusarium wilt, or nematode infestation. A few of our non-resistant varieties have suffered losses due to white fly borne virus but I have not seen a single loss in either of our resistant varieties (Master and Deafness) which constitute over 90% of the trial.
Hydroponic Tomatoes |
Jordan Valley Farm Staff Meeting |