Sunday, December 20, 2015

First Month of Production & Oregon Farmers

Resident Grain Crop Advisers with our Jordan Valley Foreman
The first two weeks of production has been relatively weak with a total of only 442 boxes delivered through our refugee feeding program.  This is largely as a result of unseasonably cold weather.  Zuchinni trials are showing us the value of extra investment in a high quality variety (Shorouk) and early yield for Monsantos X3R bell peppers has been excellent with Gormand, Intruder, and Sweet Sunrise lagging behind significantly in both plant development and early yield.  Time will tell how each of the varieties stack up across the season. 

Syrian & Iraqi Refugees que to receive food aid.  Market value for a box of our produce currently stands at 11 US dollars - a significant help to families struggling to feed large families without any legal source of income in Jordan. 

We continue to fight our annual battle with pests.  AC4D project director is spraying for spider mites in each of our 5 greenhouses between picking days. 

We will gather farmers for our early season farmer field day this week.  More pictures from that event to come.  One of the great advantages of hosting visiting farmers at our trial facility has been to hear their perspective on our major issues, namely soil quality and pest management.  One of the most helpful suggestions generated so far has been a plan to soil flush our greenhouses after each season with approximately an acre foot of water.  Our calculations show strong value for money invested in a slug of fresh water through enhanced productivity the following season.  More to come as we carry our the trial at the end of the season and replant for 2015/2016.