Saturday, July 19, 2014

Demo Farm Pictures

View from the center of the property; the row of trees behind the large irrigation pond is our eastern boundary
View from the Southwest corner of the farm - date palms are the northern boundary

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Jordan Valley Demo Farm Foundations Established

Today the AC4D intervention become an on-the-ground reality.   Land and water contracts were finalized and we established a dedicated electrical connection on the demo farm.  Neighboring farmers are already offering their help and support.  The demo farm concept is being very well received in the area and people are interested in what we will be growing this season.  Our team gathered soil samples for evaluation as we plan which amendments to add this season.  This preseason evaluation will also give us a sense of how salt affected the soil is and provide a baseline for future evaluation of the effectiveness of the soil enhancement strategies that we employ over the next four years of the program.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jordan Valley Staff

At the Kafrein Diversion Weir (left to right): Operation Mercy Farm Manager - Case Sumner, Ag. Projects Manager - Brian Howard, Country Director - Bob Cole

Friday, July 11, 2014

AC4D Partners

Since its inception the Agricultural Cooperation for Development program has sought out both local and international partners to bring together resources and expertise which will serve smallholder farmers.  We are now in the initial stage of developing our physical resources in the Jordan Valley, a farm that will operate trials and demonstrations over the next four years.  Some partners have been sought out for their ability to finance needed infrastructure.  Other partners have found us in a bid to showcase cutting edge practices and materials at our facility.  These partnerships will constitute one of the main benefits offered to smallholder farmers: a template for the demonstration of innovation in agriculture from across the world.