Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Demonstration Farm Priority Areas

AC4D is in the process of acquiring land and funding to found a sizable demonstration farm to model cutting edge methodology, technology and new species/varieties of crops to farmers.  Our initial plan is to demonstrate the use of;

Methodologies such as no-ploughing techniques like mulching and burming, chicken traps, the use of comfry and guar as complimentary crops to add potassium and nitrogen to soils and irrigation scheduling.

Technologies that we are showcasing will include the use of fertigation equipment and tensiometers to achieve a higher level of on-farm automation.

The cultivation of new and highly salt tolerant crops like asparagus and the introduction of salt tolerant varieties of avocado and tomato.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

AC4D Farm Manager

Operation Mercy Jordan was recently able to secure the services of Mr. Case Sumner as a consultant farm manager for the upcoming season.  His contributions to the AC4D program will include advising the project from a technical perspective and advising our day to day operations to maximize the potential benefits of our demonstration farm for small-holders.  Mr. Sumner has extensive farming experience and ran a similar demonstration farm in Iraq before relocating to Jordan. 

Mr. Case Sumner enjoying a meal with JV farmers

Jordan Valley Farmers Union to Support AC4D Initiatives

AC4D representatives met with the Chairman of the Jordan Valley Farmers Association in order to discuss cooperation and implementation of AC4D training and demonstration activities for the 2014-2015 season.  Two highly productive large-scale farms were toured and AC4D reps were able to view a potential property for the demonstration farm.

AC4D, JV Farmers Union and GTZ representatives at a farm in the JV