AC4D is in the process of acquiring land and funding to found a sizable demonstration farm to model cutting edge methodology, technology and new species/varieties of crops to farmers. Our initial plan is to demonstrate the use of;
Methodologies such as no-ploughing techniques like mulching and burming, chicken traps, the use of comfry and guar as complimentary crops to add potassium and nitrogen to soils and irrigation scheduling.
Technologies that we are showcasing will include the use of fertigation equipment and tensiometers to achieve a higher level of on-farm automation.
The cultivation of new and highly salt tolerant crops like asparagus and the introduction of salt tolerant varieties of avocado and tomato.
Methodologies such as no-ploughing techniques like mulching and burming, chicken traps, the use of comfry and guar as complimentary crops to add potassium and nitrogen to soils and irrigation scheduling.
Technologies that we are showcasing will include the use of fertigation equipment and tensiometers to achieve a higher level of on-farm automation.
The cultivation of new and highly salt tolerant crops like asparagus and the introduction of salt tolerant varieties of avocado and tomato.